Community of Inquiry: old stuff in a new package?
When you enter a new course like ONL you come with the expectation that the teaching materials will offer you new pedagogical approaches and ideas. Topic 4 on the course concerned design for online and blended learning. One of the keynotes as well as key reading for this section concerned Community of Inquiry as a pedagogical approach. It intrigued me right away and when I read more about it, I was a bit puzzled; the name of the model was new to me, but the contents were somehow all too familiar. It seemed that I had organized many of my face-to-face courses pretty much according to the principles of Community of Inquiry approach but long before the book ‘Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry´(Vaughan, Cleveland-Innes and Garrison 2013) was published. Then it came to me, all this was pretty much the same stuff that I learned and have practiced since late 1990s’ under the label 'Cooperative Learning’ (Yhteistoiminnallinen ...